HTC One X : An Amazing Smartphone


Samsung Galaxy S II was the best dual core smartphone of 2011. It was fast and really well designed.

However finally we have a mother of all smart-phones from HTC called HTC One X.

So what's so special about HTC One X ?

The HTC One X is beautiful and incredibly fast 

HTC One X is Quad Core and has 1GB of RAM
What is Quad core?
A quad core processor  a quad-core processor contains four cores. HTC One X is really fast. It has 1 GB of RAM and that processor speed is 1.5 GHz.

The HTC One X has an 8 Megapixel rear camera that is able to capture  8-megapixel widescreen images (3264 x 1840 pixels) and 1080p video at 30fps.

It also has  a 1.3 megapixel front camera that can be used for video chat at 720p

OS & Interface
The HTC One X comes bundled with  Android 4.0 better know as Ice Cream Sandwich and has HTC Sense 4.0

The HTC One X has 1800 mAh battery.

Ratings: 4.5 /5 (0.5 reduced due to high cost and possible short batter life)


Anonymous said...

Hi really Samsung Galaxy is really very smart and amazing phone!
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web link said...

Hey, I really think specs for phones are getting a little crazy these days. Agreed that we're doing more and more things now with our phones, but they'll never become our main working computer. But this thing is boasting a better resolution and amount of CPU cores than most laptops. Best luck!~ Barbara

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