Google and Microsoft hate each other and you don’t have to be a tech geek to know why. Google has considerably challenged Microsoft’s domination in the software market; with Picasa2 it has overwhelmed Microsoft’s Paint.
What’s unique about Picasa is that you don’t have to search photos in your PC , Picasa will do it for you.
Moreover Picasa provides cool editing tools to edit your photos much better than Paint.One Thing is for sure Picasa is here to stay.
Another way to install a Debian package is to use the command dpkg which is what the package manager uses to manipulate Debian packages (or short: debs). The syntax is as follows: if your package is located on your desktop and your username is carl, then you install the package test.deb with dpkg -i /home/carl/Desktop/test.deb. You need to take care of dependencies yourself, so it's not the optimal way of installing software.
2. Manual installation of a .deb
While the Ubuntu repositories are quite extensive (especially if you add extra repositories), they don't cover everything. Sometimes (for the Opera web browser, for example), you have to install a separate file. If you must do so, then try to get ahold of a .deb file. .deb is the native file format for Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu. In fact, if you actually visit the online repositories, you'll notice that the files there are mostly stored as .deb files.
The only difference between manually installing a .deb file and using apt-get to install a .deb file is that apt-get will resolve dependencies for you (if one package needs another to be installed, aptitude will install that "pre-requisite" package). If you manually install a .deb file, you will also have to manually install its dependencies. Don't worry, though—if you try to manually install a .deb file and it has dependencies, you'll soon find out what those dependencies are.
Here's what you should do.
Download the .deb file to your desktop. For this example, let's use Opera. Now, the Opera file that's currently available for Ubuntu has a quite ugly name: opera_9.10-20061214.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb. There are several ways to deal with this ugly name, seeing as how you have to type in the exact name of the .deb file in order to install it. You can rename it to something simpler (say, opera.deb), you can copy and paste the name, you can begin typing the name and then hit the Tab key to have the terminal autocomplete the name of the file, or you can just suck it up and retype it exactly as is. Let's assume, though, that you're going to do it the ugly way. You'd open up a terminal and type these commands:
cd Desktop
sudo dpkg -i opera_9.10-20061214.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb
That's it... well, as long as there are no dependencies. And if you prefer pointing and clicking and if you're using Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) or newer, you can also just double-click the .deb file to install it.
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